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Communication between people all over the globe is getting easier over time due to development of technology. However relationships between humans seem going to the opposite direction. This essay will demonstrate that while communicating is better than ever before, connections between people have not improved that much.

Digital technology has been improved in an unimaginable scale over the last decades, unlocked almost every communicating barrier between people. Facebook, Zalo, Instagram, Line, Kakaotalk, etc have emerged in my lifetime, enable anyone to connect to the world, as long as there is internet connection. Compared to the 19th century, when older generations had to use letters, telegrams, and other vintage – slow approaches, nowadays, just with a smart phone, we can contact to anyone in the world. Myself is a prime example. Last year, even though I worked in the Philippines – about 3000 kilometers from my homeland, I spoke with my parents as frequently as I wanted, using Skype – an application allows people all over the world have video chat in pairs or in groups. Clearly, we are living in the era of easy communication.

However, forming meaningful relationships has not enhanced, in some cases, even worse. Simply because connections tremendously rely on face – to – face communication and surely other forms cannot replace. Many recent studies find that talking directly is the key to trust and shape personal connections. On the other hand, a majority of teenagers overuse social networks for communication purposes. As the results their connections have been affected negatively.

Advance technology has undoubtedly changed the way people communicate, but the side effect is the connections is getting looser.



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