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Showing posts from October, 2018


April, 1865, a country barely recovering from death, on an unimaginable scale is now plunged into a new type of mourning, just as the guns were falling silence on four years of Civil War. The man who has held the country together through that war has been felled in his hour of triumph by an assassin's bullet. During his four years in the While House, the United States has been changed forever. Despite being torn by secession and Civil War, it was a single country again. And slavery, the ultimate cause of the war has been banished into memory. Now, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President has joined 620,000 of his countrymen as a victim of the War. As his funeral train approached Springfield Illinois, it was completing a great American journey. Once that had begun in complete obscurity. ======================================================================== "When first my father settle here, twas then the frontier line. The panther's scream filled n...